Running the demo: place the two text files (Lessons1.text and Lessons2.text) in the same folder as the program CPUstructure.
CPUstructure is a Macintosh program designed to provide the user with a visual tool for exploring the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer. CPUstructure provides a pictorial representation of the major components of the CPU and their interconnecting electrical lines. Through a series of simulations the user of this program will view the origin, destination, and purpose of the various control signals that travel these lines.
The program breaks the overall topic of Computer Architecture into twenty lessons, each dealing with one specific portion of a CPU. The lessons build upon one another so that when the user has completed all twenty lessons he will have a sound understanding of the major concepts and principles of Computer Architecture.
CPUstructure is a helpful study aid for college students majoring in any discipline of Engineering. It is ideal for Computer Science or Electrical Engineering students, or any student who has course work in digital theory. CPUstructure will be useful to anyone desiring a deeper knowledge of digital logic, computer architecture, CPUs, or the components that make up a computer (CPU, RAM, ROM, etc).
Do not be alarmed if some of the topics are unfamiliar - the lessons of CPUstructure build upon one another and introduce the user to concepts that will be covered in detail in subsequent lessons. The twenty lessons of CPUstructure cover such topics as:
Digital Logic
Gates ALUs (Arithmetic Logic Units)
Decoders System Clock
Flip-Flops Registers
Latches Memory Organization
Data Path Microinstruction Sequencing
MBR (Memory Buffer Register) Control Store
MAR (Memory Address Register) MPC (Micro Program Counter)
Microinstructions MIR (MicroInstruction Register)
CPUstructure takes full advantage of the Macintosh's interface by using graphics, animation, and text in each of the lessons.
CPUstructure is designed to run on any Macintosh computer equipped with an 800K disk drive. No hard drive is necessary.
A copy of CPUstructure may be purchased for $19.95, complete.
Ordering CPUstructure brings you the following:
* one 800K disk with a fully functional copy of the latest version
of CPUstructure (with twenty comprehensive lessons)
* complete PRINTED documentation, with numerous illustrations and
* the right to free updates of CPUstructure as they become available